Canada Launches Trade Consultations on Critical Minerals and Semiconductors

September 10, 2024

Today the Government of Canada took a significant step to address trade imbalances and protect Canadian industries by initiating a consultation process on the potential application of duties to Chinese critical mineral products, batteries and parts, solar products, and semiconductors.

This latest consultation process is part of a broader strategic response by the Government of Canada to protect Canada’s budding electric vehicle, semiconductor and critical minerals industries from unfair Chinese trade practices. This includes the upcoming 100 percent surtax on all Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs), effective October 1, 2024, and the 25 percent surtax on imports of steel and aluminum from China, starting October 15, 2024.

Understanding the Consultation Process

Government of Canada consultations provide a unique opportunity for Canadian stakeholders to shape Canadian trade policy by submitting their feedback directly to the Government of Canada. Specifically, stakeholders and other members of the relevant Canadian industries will be able to provide their insights on the necessity of these potential duties, potential duty rates, the timing of their implementation, and the specific product sectors that should be affected.

For members of the Canadian critical minerals and semiconductors industries, these consultations represent an important opportunity to influence policy decisions that could impact their operations and competitive standing. The consultations will allow businesses to present their perspectives on how these duties could affect their industries, and how Canada can best address the challenges posed by foreign trade practices.

Key Dates and Next Steps

Canadian companies interested in participating in the consultation process must submit their responses by October 10, 2024. Given the tight timeline and the complexity of the issues at hand, it is advisable to seek expert guidance to ensure that your submission effectively represents your interests and contributes to shaping favorable outcomes.

Cassidy Levy Kent has experience in responding to trade-related Government of Canada consultation processes. CLK most recently assisted clients in responding to the Government of Canada consultation concerning the imposition of surtaxes on Chinese EVs and steel and aluminum. We stand ready to assist companies in preparing their responses to this latest round of consultations.